Robert Hunter
Washington, Vancouver
For over 25 years, R. Hunter has been creating music under a variety of monikers and in various projects, like Conversations About the Light, Occulted Sound, Self Spiller and Snares of Sixes. Hunter launched missing scenes in 2021, initially with a series of moon-themed recordings: three albums created between and dedicated to our full moon cycles. Following the triptych’s completion, Hunter recorded the "who is this for?" full length, exploring the themes of waxing and waning, mystery, and distance. Now missing scenes unveils their fifth album, "dream or memory?"
The brilliant colors and magical realism that make up Kurosawa’s Dreams provided inspiration for "dream or memory?" A quarter of a century since he first saw it, scenes from Dream’s vignettes still appear to Hunter unbidden but never unwelcome…the rich tapestry of Dreams is mirrored in "dream or memory's?" sonic vignettes exploring Hunter’s love of nature, darkness, light and the importance he assigns to memory, sleep…and dreaming. The initial outlines of "dream or memory?" came via a live performance at Megalith in Portland, Oregon on a shared bill with two talented musicians, Andrew Anderson and Jori Apedaile. To fully realize these vignettes, percussion is present for the first time on a missing scenes album, courtesy of Steve Lyman.
Additionally, field recordings provide the connective tissue in "dream or memory?’s" compositions. Captured on hiking trips around the Vancouver area in Washington State, and on location in Peoria and Jerome, Arizona, they serve a purpose greater than decoration or enhancement. They bring the compositions together into a cohesive statement. As the eyes dim, the ears open.
A graduate of Evergreen State College’s Film, Video, And Audio Production program, Hunter has done music and sound design for commercial clients, and also enjoys creating the visual backdrops for live performances.